
Saturday, August 30, 2014

How to make a Reduction gear coupling

Step of operations: Here steps of making a reduction gear coupling described sequencely,

1.Casting: at first a wooden pattern have to make at pattern shop.
And at casting shop the job structure made by melted ms(mild steel) metal as desire size.

2. Welding: two parts ( round hollar shaft ber and plate ber) of job send to welding shop for joint.
proper welding is crying need in joint two parts.

3. Machining: After finished joint, it is set in lathe chalk for make smooth and turn to accurate size for joint between shaft and plate.  and also make larger (to fixed size) the hollar part.

4. Drilling and boring : After cut extra metals, the job send to drilling and boring section to make drill on round plate of coupling.

5. Heat treatment: When finished all operation on this job, then it send to Heat treatment section.  it is mast remind that after heat treatment,  any big operation for (e.g,  threading, drilling,  boring,  cutting, welding) those job not recognised.

6. Final machining : Finally extra metals (0.5 mm to 1 mm) removed by lathe operation.
and this measure come in final size.

7.Grinding : It is last operation for this job, this operation compleated  by grinding wheel on lathe or Horigental Grinding machine.


 1. We have to becareful to use measurement devices, like slide caliper, vernier gauge ,telescopic gauge.

2. To do lathe and grinding operations, then the machinist must be alert.

3. And heat treatment may be in accurate temperature. 

At last,  this send to inspection section for final inspection.

Posted by: Engr shaiful islam majumder
                  Mechanical technology
                  Bitac Dhaka
                  Dhaka, Bangladesh
e-mai :

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Micrometer and it's Calculation.

Micrometer is use to get accurate measure for a
it give a high accuracy then vernier calipers!!
vernier micrometer is highly use in Mechanical
engineering operations and also use for final
inspection in inspection section of any productional

kinds of micrometer : primary Micrometer is 2 parts,
Inside micrometer.
(it is use to take। internal dia of any internal hollar
outside micrometer.
( Outside micrometer is used to determine accurate
outside Dia of any diagonal and circular job)
in industry Outside micrometer is mostly used.
By outside micrometer internal Dia also can be
then a extra parts need with original
It is called Telescopic gauge.

Telescopic gauge: Telescopic gauge is use to
compare measurement between micrometer and
internal holed job. and help to take same and right

Full calculation : Micrometer
The micrometer is an instrument used for the
accurate measurement of short lengths. It
consists essentially of a carefully machined
screw mounted in a strong frame. The object
to be measured is placed between the end of
the screw and the projecting end of the frame,
called the anvil. The screw is then advanced
until the object is gripped gently between the
two jars of the instrument. Most micrometers
are provided with a ratchet which is arranged
to slip on the screw as soon as a light and
constant force is exerted on the object. By
using the ratchet it is possible to tighten up
the screw by the same amount each time, and
thus avoid using too great a force. If this
arrangement is absent, great care should be
taken not to force the screw, for the
instrument may be easily damaged.
The micrometer used in this lab consists of a
screw with a pitch of 0.5mm, a longitudinal
scale engraved along a barrel containing the
screw, and a circular scale engraved around a
thimble which rotates with the screw and
moves along the scale on the barrel. The
longitudinal scale is divided into millimeters.
The circular scale has 50 divisions. Since the
pitch of the screw is 0.5mm, which is the
distance advanced by the screw on turning
through one revolution, it is clear that rotating
the thimble through one scale division with
cause the screw to move a distance of 1/50 of
0.5mm, or 0.01mm. Hence, readings may be
taken directly to one hundredth of a
millimeter and better by estimating part of a
The reading of the micrometer is taken by
noting the position of the edge of the thimble
on the longitudinal scale and the position of
the axial line of the barrel on the circular
scale, and adding the two readings. The
reading of the main scale gives the
measurement to the nearest whole main scale
division; the fractional part of a main scale
division is read on the circular scale. Since it
requires two revolutions of the screw to make
it advance a distance of one millimeter, it is
necessary always to be careful to note
whether the reading on the circular scale
refers to the first half or the second half of a
millimeter. The micrometer in the diagram
here is reading 7.75mm.
The micrometer should be checked for a zero
error, for it may not read zero when the jaws
are completely closed. In such cases a zero
correction has to be applied to every reading;
this correction may be either positive or
negative. The value of the zero reading is
obtained by rotating the screw until it comes
in contact with the anvil, and then noting the
reading on the circular scale.

A linked picture shown below…..

posted by: shaiful islam majumder
mechanical tech researcher, Dhaka BITAC, Dhaka

Monday, August 18, 2014

Single point cutting tool

Cutting tool: cutting to a crying need parts of a production machine. All operation of a mechanical productionable machine is not possible without a cutting tool.

When we think about a lathe, milling,drilling etc. then a cutter is be present on our eye!

A cutting tool is use to give a new shape on a metal. By this , a productable machine can make a new perts , without a cutting tool this is not possible.

So in one word we can say that ” cutting tool is a perts of a machine , by which a solid metal is become a compleate job with new shape”.

Types of cutting tool: Finally cutting tools are devide equal 2 parts 

1. Single point cutting tools

2. Multi point cutting tools

Here we are going to descrive about single point cutting tool in brief…

Single point cutting tool:

Single point cutting tool is used to cutting metals in lathe machine. 

It is a most important perts of a working lathe. Without a cutting tool a machine is is main perts of a lathe.

Single point cutting tool is made by verious metal . that’s are 1. High speed steel 

2. Toungsten steel 

3. High Carbon steel 

4. High cromium steel

Structure of single point cutting tool: a single point cutting tool have 8- 10 angles. That’s are, 

1.end cutting edge angle

2. side cutting edge angle

3. back rake angle

4. end relief angle 

5. side rake angle

6. side relief angle

7. nose angle

8. wedge angle 

 Angles are shown below on pics…

 Fig : single point cutting tool

Back rake angle is used to break continous chips, so that this can’t make trapic when operation going on.

for full description of single point cutting tool.
go this link to download this file -

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak to you all of my friends and fans from